Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Trump has 100% support among voters identifying as "asshole"

In a national survey, 40% of voters seem to approve of President Trump. That Ukraine thing, he was "just after the deep state," which seems to be burrowing back into the race in the form of Joe Biden. However, when asked about themselves, those polled were asked to identify as Democrat, Republican, independent or asshole. Those identifying as asshole support Trump 100%.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Old Timers Wake Up to Another Day of Complaining

San Antonio -- Residents of Sunny Side senior apartments, an assisted living facility, gather after breakfast in the day room to catch up on news and gossip...

...and complaining.

My Alexa isn't connecting to the WiFi properly!

The eggs were neither fried or scrambled but a mess!

The orange juice was not fresh!

There's not enough men here!

Trump is disgusting!

Some residents just kind of sit and grumble to themselves without any words clearly heard. But they do seem to join in some of the general complaints.

It was too cold in parts of the building and too hot in others!

The cafeteria repair took too long and the pictures from the wall are now missing!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Trump signs EO closing the FBI

"Since the FBI is unable to help us find the criminal activity carried out by the Democrats in the 2016 election, I am closing the FBI. Homeland security is now assigned to find out the truth."

Trump has plans to turn the FBI into a spy museum.