Monday, December 14, 2020

Roger Stone Presents Himself and Two Others as Electors at Pence Office at The Capitol

 Having procured blank documents that the 500 plus electors filled out today, Roger Stone marched up the Capitol steps with two associates.

The facsimile documents were filled out in their real names. They were purporting to be the three electors from the District of Columbia. The district went to Biden. But the fake electors marched right up the capitol steps to present the documents to the office that VP Pence keeps there.

VP Pence would then count them in January, which event he does preside over. However, Pence will not be handling any papers in person on that January date.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Trump Sends Letter Openers to 50 States to Uncertify Electoral Votes

 The Electoral College is about to vote on Monday. President Trump was told there are a number of documents produced.

 One pair of original certificates is sent to the President of the Senate (Michael R. Pence)

  Two pairs of original certificates are sent to the Archivist, David S. Ferriero, c/o Office of the Federal Register (F) The Archivist holds one pair subject to the order of the President of the United States Senate in case the electoral votes fail to reach the Senate. The other pair is held by the Office of the Federal Register for public inspection for one year.

  Two pairs of certificates are sent by registered mail to the Secretary of State of each State, who holds one pair subject to the order of the President of the United States Senate in case the electoral votes fail to reach the Senate. 

 One pair of original certificates is sent to the Chief Judge of the Federal District Court located where the electors meet. It is held subject to the order of the President of the United States Senate or the Archivist of the United States in case the electoral votes fail to reach the Senate or the Archivist.

It was somehow lost to Trump at what point they become certified. The elections in all states have already been certified.

In the hopes that the elections can be thrown out after they "really, really look at all the stuff that went on," the President has sent all states two of his very own letter openers. These openers are to be used to open the letters, thus "uncertifying" them in his mind. One goes to the governor, one to the attorney general in each state. Mike Pence will helicopter a few of them to nearby states in Marine One and deliver them by hand.

A staff member was about to explain the word use to Trump. Documents that have not been certified or looked at could be called uncertified. But once they have been certified, they would then be decertified, if such a process exists. A colleague grabbed his sleeve and said "let it go. You know as well as I that these paper knife packages will all go directly to trash unopened."

Friday, December 11, 2020

Roger Waters Records Three Albums During Pandemic

 With nothing else to do except read, exercise and work on music, Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has completed three albums, with minimal help on keyboards.


The first month went by and Waters had completed most of the songs as demos. It starts with man using rock as a tool, then as a weapon, bashing each other on the head. one song covers David and Goliath, with the famous rock sling.


Here Waters has gone back to Chinese paper making, letters and writing. Eventually the songs go on to Europe and cover Gutenberg.


Departing from the easily refined natural materials, Waters takes us on to technology and metals. Rather than focus on swords, scissors symbolize a peaceful state, clothing manufacture and the economy of the mercantile state. Golden scissors are covered in the last track, relating to royalty.


As soon as the pandemic is over, Waters will tour with his band in the Rock, Paper and Scissors tour. He will be returning to Kansas City, St. Louis and possibly Omaha on the US leg of the tour. In Australia, a few dates are planned, starting with Melbourne.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Trump Supporter Missed All The Fun of Illegal Ballots

Stan Rather, Atlanta resident, has been manning the main vote count location in Atlanta during the election and then the recount. He was assigned an outside post, where he stood and watched from 6PM to 2AM every night. He gets no pay for this, but being unemployed, is getting a little gas money to get there.

Stan has seen a lot of stuff go in, mostly in tubs with lids. A small amount in open baskets. And then he saw stuff taken away.

KR: So you saw nothing going to the dumpster.

Stan: No. First they threw some bags in there, and we took them apart and found take out food stuff and a few post it notes. Then they quit using the dumpster. They take their trash home.

KR: Why do you think they do that?

Stan: So we can't open it up and examine it.

KR: Right. So, you did not see the mysterious suitcases going in?

Stan: No. But I saw the video. Those are all illegal Biden votes.
KR: Your people saw that?
Stan: No, but what else would they be?
KR: Ballots maybe. You would have to open them and look at them.
Stan: That's another problem. They have these Democrats actually touching and counting ballots.

KR: And you never saw people show up with vans full of papers of some sort?
Stan: Well, no, I never saw anyone handle any paper outside. They do it in secret inside.
KR: But you people have witnesses inside.
Stan: We do. They are counting all the Biden votes many times with the counting machine.
KR: How does that counting machine work?
Stan: We don't know. But it's made in Venezuela.
KR: Is all the stuff in there made in Venezuela.
Stan: Yes.
KR: What does that mean?
Stan: It's all rigged to add votes for Biden and shred a good part of the Trump votes.
KR: You have seen shredding, or your team?
Stran: Well, no...