Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Senator Willing To Convict Trump If He Had Stopped The Steal

 Now that the impeachment is ongoing, we got in touch with Senator Clarkson again. 

Senator, are you convinced that Trump should be convicted?

-Not yet. There are elements of insurrection and going against democracy in his behavior. But not enough to convict him.

So under what conditions would you convict him?

-If he had actually stopped the steal, asked and succeeded in getting Mike Pence to reject the electoral college votes and had been sworn in as president.

So if he had been sworn in for a second term, you would impeach him?

-Probably. Especially if he had marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol with the insurrectionists.

And then you would swear in Mike Pence as president, the guy who had torn up the electoral votes at that point?

-Yes, that is what would have happened. Pence would be president after we removed Trump.

Would we not need to impeach Pence too, then?

-Absolutely not.

Those things might not have happened if the insurrectionists had harmed Pence, or you yourself. None of this is enough to change your mind about impeaching Trump now?

-No, not at all. Trump was only one factor here.

OK, then. We at the Kari Report disagree. We see this insurrection as Trump's final gift to you and the Republican party. May he never come back.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Libertarian Going Along With Government Vaccine Just This Once

Arizona libertarian Ken Russel has made up his mind. He is going to take the vaccine, but just this once.

So you think this is safe?
-Maybe. Some tens of millions have taken two vaccines from them Big Pharma suppliers.
And you want one or the other?
-I'll take either one, I've researched them both.
And you have probably paid for it in taxes already
-I don't pay any taxes
OK, then.

Ken says that he will have a good supply of dry food and cans and face masks and all that for the future pandemics after this. He will be going off grid for months at a time. "I don't really like people anyway, so no problem."