Saturday, November 23, 2024

Robert F Kennedy Jr to Ban Drugs

As head of the HHS Department, RFK Jr plans on banning drugs.

"I will be naming the new head of the FDA soon. But the main change we will make is that we will be banning drugs. Man made drugs. You can still extract acetylsalicylic acid from willow bark and so on. Natural products can be bought directly from those who make them, including marijuana.

For vaccines, the same thing. If you want to use natural remedies, fine. No industrial processes. So cowpox from cows will be fine for small pox, for example."

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

RFK Junior does not think food has enough E-coli

 E-coli is a common bacterium. Its amounts are monitored routinely. The new Drug Czar to be appointed by Donald Trump thinks we are not getting enough E-coli in our food.

He wants the minimum level to be "50" of "whatever they use to measure it." It is often expressed as colony forming units per gram, cfu/g.

"Ok, those. We lived with well over 100 when we were cave men."

We probably had less E-coli when we were cavemen, we have to note. If we caught a fish, we fried it and ate it. Currently fish with over 50 cfu/g are rejected.

"Once we get used to the minimal 50, I am going to raise it to 150."