Thursday, February 6, 2020

Libertarians gather to celebrate Larry, who did not wear a seat belt but once

Knoxville, TN -- Larry was a good guy, they all agreed.

Bob, who went to high school with him, remembers Larry taking the driver's test. The seat belt was all dirty and full of gunk. Larry picked it clean and buckled up for the driver's test. He passed it, driving well under the speed limit. Which he never obeyed from that day on.

Carl remembers going on a sales trip with Larry. They rented a car and it just beeped and beeped, so they just buckled the seat belts first and then sat on top of them.

The area libertarians and sports fans gather at a local bar every Friday. This was the first time without Larry. They all knew well before the crash that he was going to die some day in a car accident. "But he didn't wear a seat belt, that was the main thing," said Mark, as they made a toast to him.

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