Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Kevin McCarthy will eliminate Social Security. Joe Biden's Social Security

With things at an impasse in the house, Kevin McCarthy knew he had to go forward and eliminate social security. There was no other way to control spending and avoid raising the debt ceiling. He had to go to talk to Joe Biden. They came to an agreement. Kevin will have his way.

Kevin McCarthy will propose a bill and Joe Biden will sign it. He will eliminate his own social security. He still gets his Medicare and pension. Both men are calling this bipartisan effort a success. They could not, however, come to an agreement on cutting Donald Trump's social security.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Biden Wondering About the National Geographics

When staff located some government documents in Pennsylvaia in his old office Joe Biden started wondering.

What about the National Geographics in the garage? There must be twenty years worth of the magazines. Jill takes care of all their other personal papers and photo albums, but the magazines were stored by Joe.

He's going to have to go through them during a few weekends. Sometime in the spring when it warms up enough to spend a few hours in the garage each day. He knows there are some other things in there with them, magazines. But there could be some sheets of paper and stapled reports. He just can't remember what's in there so he made a note on his iPhone calendar to do this.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert will head Hunter Biden Laptop committee

 With the Speaker of the House chosen, depositions on Hunter Biden's laptop will start next week.

The first week will cover all the details of  the discovery of this laptop. Rudy Giuliani will testify and the FBI agents will bring the laptop to Congress. That's right, there has been a laptop all the time, not just a hard drive. Deep State has been hiding it all this time.

Tesla engineers will bring AI equipment the second week of the hearings, hooking it up to the laptop. The laptop will then be deposed and will speak to the committee.

Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert will head the committee as agreed in back room deals last night. They expect the laptop to reveal all the dirty deal the Biden Crime Family made with Ukraine and communist China. These truths will reveal what the Biden regime has been doing with federal funds since Biden took office. Biden will then be impeached. More of the insurrectionist congress people will be then involved in revealing all that Biden has done.

The FBI will be helpful to the committee, and the committee has had to make a deal with the FBI. FBI will now only be defunded by one third, not by half as planned. They will not need to investigate politicians anymore, so there is a savings to set off the cuts. The DOJ will then be fully engaged in investigating the misdeeds of Democratic politicians.