Saturday, October 7, 2017

Trump presidency producer urges switch to Survivor model

An unnamed producer of the TV extravaganza that is in fact masquerading as the Trump presidency has nodded approval to the next phase of the show. The Trump cabinet will move on to a Survivor type of format.

Cabinet members will be allowed to vote and there will be difficult tasks to perform. However, the cabinet shall never be entirely empty, as vacant seats will be filled from within the White House.

This change was brought about by a sort of boredom that is taking over the Trump "presidency" and the interest it holds to the general public. Trump base voters, like Duck Dynasty fans, are hanging on to his every word and drinking a lot of Bud Light. But the general public is no longer bringing in the advertising dollars and has drifted on to a sort of numbness on Trump and all things related to Washington DC.

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