Friday, April 26, 2019

Campaign for President appears to be a one item thing: It's about Trump

Several Democratic candidates have jumped into the campaign for president of the United States. The man running the country for his own advantage, and the advantage of fully paid foreign powers, has shown what THE PRESIDENT can do.

He can go anywhere, meet any number of dictators and eat Kentucky Fried Chicken out of a bucket on the way home.

A socialist candidate from the East Coast has made it clear, this man must go!

A woman candidate who seems to want to take care of mothers with children in minimum wage jobs says that this man is the enemy:

A man who used to be vice president also thinks that we must get rid of this man. The man is a joke:

Another woman has focused on the inept handling of domestic policies during TRUMP's administration. We think she is from California, where all those crazy ideas come from.

Another candidate has drawn attention to himself and his personality. He was a rich kid with with a wild youth. He may start talking about that and his centrist ideas and his love of foreigners. he paints a picture of Trump as inhumane. But the audience hears TRUMP and we know at that point that it's really all the same.

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