Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Trump starts war with Foreign Country

President Trump is mad. The entire world in unfair to the United States.

This has gone long enough! These countries must buy American goods when we buy their oil. The balance of trade has to be zero! They will have to buy American cars and consumer products if necessary.

For this reason Trump declared war on a Foreign Country. They were waiting for it and Ayattolah Spumoni says they will fight back. "We do not want your American cars."

Trump has known about the country's secret deals. "They trade with Russia, with China. And they work around our sanctions."

Having failed with tariffs, which only punish consumers, Trump says we have to start a real war. The nuclear refinement facility ("they make really really pure uranium there. This stuff is hot.") shall be bombed first, then all the military targets and airports. "We will obliterate this entire country if they do not respect us and come to the trade talks with us."

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