Thursday, August 29, 2019

Trump Wants Double the CO2 in Coke

Trump had nothing much to do, having avoided the bad polling data all day. But then he helped himself to another Diet Coke in the small room near the Oval office where only Diet Coke is in the little fridge.

He had an idea.

- Bring in that Science Guy!

They brought him from the basement office.

- What if we put in double fizzy stuff in Coke? You know, cee oh two?
- Why would you want to do that, to store it?
- No I want more of it in the air. Bannon says it's food for plants.
- It does not work that way. It does not add to CO2 or take away any. They don't make CO2 specially to put it in Coke. It's just a waste product of various industrial processes like making concrete. It would go in the air but we capture some of it to make use of it like in Coke.
- But I really want to add some fizz in the Coke. Go do some work to see if there is some national security angle to this. Then we'll bring in both the Coke and Pepsi people.

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