Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Trump: If you elect Biden, you will all pay the $1200 Stimulus back

President Trump is serious. "If you elect this man as president in November, I am still your president till the end of the year. I won't bother to show up in January. But I have plenty of time to act.You will have to pay the 1200 dollar stimulus back. In fact I have signed the executive order already."

Trump has signed an executive order that says that if Joe Biden is declared the winner of the November election, all those who received the $1200 check will have to pay it back. That much is certain. Now, it may take a while to count and recount the votes, and throw out all the mail-in ballots that look like they might have been printed abroad by George Soros and shipped to battleground states to pad the Democratic vote.

Trump does have some good news for taxpayers, though. "If Biden does not win, you get to keep the $1200 and I will get you another $1200 by Christmas. It will only be good if the vote is tallied and the results sealed by December first. So call you congressman and senator, and have them hurry up the counting in their states." The congresspeople do not actually have this power, so you may want to contact your governor instead.

The legal analysts at CNN and MSNBC are still working on how this sort of shake down on voters by a president is against the constitution. It never came up before.

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