Friday, January 5, 2018

Ziva shoots guy that was on NCIS episode for 10 seconds

A Pennsylvania couple is confused. Who is this guy that Ziva from NCIS shot in the last five minutes of the show, right before the Thanksgiving dinner with Ducky? He was clearly a crook. We know that because he was holding a hostage.

Peggy thinks he may have been in the show early on, right after they identified the body and went straight to his workplace. The dead guys's. There was some guy, a guy that had no name even. He was on for maybe ten seconds and a few lines of script.

Mark agrees there was some guy in that scene. Was he in the office, or was he a security guard? "Well, at lest they never made the guy that sells the coffee to McGee be the murderer. That would be really lame. But in any case he's dead now and we won't ever find out who he was trying to sell the Navy secret codes for those...vessels or what ever it was."

Peggy wants to watch another episode of Father Brown. Most of those are wrapped up nicely.

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