Sunday, February 9, 2020

Area Christian does not want Medicare For All for Muslims

Concord, NH -- Area Christian Patty McCormic has been very vocal at her local presidential candidate forums: she does not want to be paying for Medicare for All for Muslims.

Patty, you say you would support this measure that Sanders is proposing for Christians?
Patty: Yes I would, even though I am not a Democrat. I am independent.

So if we were all Christians you would be OK with it.
Patty: Yes. But I do not want it for Muslims or atheists or anyone that supports abortion.

That's most of the people,on the East Coast, that support the right to abortion, not the actual abortion for any loved ones. There they still want the babies, among family.
Patty: Whatever. I may vote Biden cause you know, Trump has insulted my family.

How so?
Patty: He made fun of that disabled journalist, and my brother has the same.
OK, then. We left her to go on with caucusing.

From a few earlier questions we gathered that Patty also supports Obamacare, because she did not want the Muslims and atheists to go without healthcare, but if they paid a whole bunch out of pocket that would be OK. That insurance is so expensive anyway, you have a 6000 deductible, as does her mom hazel. The main problem she had was her tax money going to atheists and Muslims and abortionists  if we had Medicare for All.

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