Monday, November 26, 2018

Area Man Lives By Youtube

It's all there. Everything he needs. Jack Polanski no longer watches news or reads even on line news. Everything is in some Youtube channel. He might hear it on talk radio, not that socialist NPR, and then go right to Youtube to find out why Guatemalans are coming. It's Hillary's fault!

For instance, atheists are making pots to boil missionaries in and distributing them to primitive tribes:

Those are the engineers doing final checks on the pot.

Jordan Peterson has helped him with personal problems:

When life storms come by, happiness disappears.  You need his rules for life for success.

Caravans are approaching the Mexican border repeatedly, so we have to build the wall!

Global warming ...or cooling now in this caused by the sun cooling off. It does this all the time! It's natural. It's called the "grand solar minimum". It is going to last 400 years! Or is it 40? It's in the ice cores, the Maunder minimum! NASA and all those government people, before Trump, are wrong. We are going to see it by 2025. Little ice age coming.

If you change your own oil, nearly all car models have a simple procedure to zero the mileage on the meter for the oil change. It's the same rod you push to zero the miles between fillups.

Jack lives in Nevada (we are unable to give an exact location)  and gets some cold days. He works part time as an AC and heater repairman. If your heat pump blade gets ice on it, it tends to shake as the ice is never even. Shut down your heating and use a heat gun on the blades!

Keep it at least an inch from the metal grill.

You can also learn stuff you never knew on Youtube. Jack watched a video about cows grazing under power lines. The electromagnetic waves "do stuff in your brain" giving you anxiety. Jack lives in a trailer park with a high power line very close to it. He could move the trailer, but it is old and might fall apart. So he bought these devices to protect his brain:

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