Friday, November 23, 2018

No more foreign units! Trump pulls out of Meter Convention

President Trump has an instinct for Science. When he heard of the new kilogram standard, based on Planck's constant, it was instantly clear to the president how that worked. "I'm very smart."

It immediately dawned on Trump that "we can pull out of the Meter Convention" signed in 1875 in Paris. The standard weight is kept there. The kilogram has been very unfair to the United States. "We are going to pull out and use our own weights and measures. The consumer side will all be gallons and miles and only the science folks will rely on standards at NIST, which are all ours now. We don't need that Paris kilogram or copies of it."

NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology falls under the Department of Commerce and thus Trump.

As a first step, Trump wants all his cans of Diet Coke to have the 222mL part covered up by tape, leaving only 7.5 oz in view.

And what about Planck? It related to energy and photons, which do not have weight. Trump will leave that to the science folks. He does not want to regulate their work too much.

In July 2017, the NIST measured the Planck constant using its Kibbe balance instrument with an uncertainty of only 13 parts per billion, obtaining a value of 6.626069934(89)×10−34 J⋅s. It can also be expressed in useful units, the J⋅s is equal to kg⋅m2⋅s−1

Trump is sure they can extract that kg out of there. "They showed me a video of their fancy new scale. It was like watching Star Trek." Kilograms, he knows, can be converted to pounds. "You multiply the kilograms by 2.20462. Even I can do it."  Trump pulled out his phone to show that it had a calculator.

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