Sunday, November 4, 2018

Trump Voter already spent her $800

Darlene O'Conner got a tax cut from Trump. She likes tax cuts as she files taxes for a living in a strip mall in Wisconsin. But she already spent the 800 dollars. What happened?

"We went to a bunch of Trump rallies. I don't have work to do till the end of the tax quarter so I went on the road to Trump rallies! We're having fun making America great again! And safe, from Muslims and Mexicans."

"I think they are Hondurans," added her friend Midge.


They have apparently gone to five Trump rallies, which are free, but they had to pay hotels and gas.

"We pooled our Trump tax cuts and spent it all. We'll get some more next year and then we'll go to a whole bunch of rallies in 2020. Make America Great Again!"

It will be 2020 and by then Trump promised making America great. Won't it great by then?

"You liberals are trying to confuse us. We are having fun! Shut up and go back to Mexico!"

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